Friday, November 5, 2010

Young, Wild & Free!

Yesterday a man seven years my senior commented on my age and my upcoming birthday and said "Wow, your biological clock must be ticking."

Did I punch him in the throat?

Did I ask him how Viagra is working for him?
Should have.

Did I agree with him and flash a smile?
Oh hell no.

I simply said, "You know, that's kind of a mean comment" and went on my merry way.

Today, I went to the liquor store. I handed over my check card to pay and then she said something wonderful:


"Sure can!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, it's just that your signature is worn off...." she said.

"Really? You had to go there? You couldn't let me enjoy it for a minute?" I asked.

She tried to make it better.

"It's just that you're a regular."

I laughed. Apparently not only do I look much older than drinking age, but my love of Blue Moon, Corona and Mike's Hard Lemonade is no secret.

I will be celebrating my birthday with Bret Michaels because he "rocks my world" and I used to love driving around in my 1980 Oldsmobile Starfire listening to my Poison cassette tapes. I only wish I still had my long hair so I truly could rock the 80s.

I imagine I'll be back to drinking Blue Moon and loving goat cheese and pine nuts again by Tuesday—but for this weekend, I'll drink light beer and swear a little bit. Ok, perhaps more than a little bit.


  1. This is great! Enjoy your birthday!!!

  2. It's all relative hon. You're still a pup to me. I pegged you at about Sam's age. (?) I like to say I'm still young and hot to, er... Mick Jagger. Heh.
    Happy Birthday *kid*. :)

  3. Ha! I met Sam when she was in 7th grade and I was the adviser for an after school program!!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope your boy puts on a good show.

  5. when i cuss at random, i call it my tourettes. it happens more often than you would think. soulkid caught me the other day- she was in my bedroom, i didn't know it-- i was comin out of my bathroom, my neck and back were hurting-- of course you know i am fed up with that stuff -- so i had a random cussing attack. including the f bomb.. a few of them. as i walked out , she looked at me like i had lost my mind. i was embarrassed of course-- stammered a bit - and said -- oh, sorry, my tourettes. she said 'whatever'.
    how does one explain that to a teenager?
    heeeeere's johnnny :))
    what is it with you and the long blonde haired men? i like bret and the kid too. can't wait for kid rocks album :)) i got brets and i likeee.

  6. Obviously I've been on Facebook too long...I just spent quite a while looking for the "like" button on your post. Anyway - like.


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